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Call for Papers: The 3rd Annual Xiamen University International Workshop on Experimental Economics a

作者: 发布时间:2012-07-31 点击数:

Call for Papers: The 3rd Annual Xiamen University International Workshop on Experimental Economics and Finance

December 15-16, 2012

Xiamen, China

Wang Yanan Institute for Studies in Economics (WISE) and the MOE Key Laboratory in Econometrics at Xiamen University

We are pleased to announce the call for papers for the Third Annual International Workshop on Experimental Economics and Finance at Xiamen University. We welcome submissions incorporating or analyzing controlled experiments using human subjects in studies of decision theory, economics, finance, game theory, management science, marketing, or political science. The conference theme is Behavioral Game Theory and we particularly encourage submissions related to this topic.

It is our honor to have the following distinguished keynote speakers this year:

Daniel Houser (George Mason University)

Gary Charness (University of California – Santa Barbara)

Teck-Hua Ho (National University of Singapore and University of California - Berkeley)

Shachar Kariv (University of California - Berkeley)


Researchers who would like to present their work at the conference are invited to submit a short abstract (not exceeding 250 words, including title and co-authors) to Please note that all submissions and presentations will be in English. The submission deadline is October 15, 2012. Decisions of acceptance will be announced by October 31, 2012.

The registration fee is 600 RMB for those whose primary affiliation is with a domestic Chinese institution, and 150 USD for international participants. This registration fee will be waived for students (both domestic and international). The registration deadline is November 15, 2012. Note if you plan to attend but not present, please send an e-mail indicating your intention to prior to the registration deadline.


The WISE Outstanding Experimental Economics or Finance Paper Award will be given to the most outstanding paper presented at this conference by a researcher who will have not received his or her Ph.D. prior to 2008. If you are eligible and wish to be considered for this award, please submit a PDF copy of the completed paper you will present in an e-mail indicating your interest to by November 30, 2012.

We are also pleased to announce that The Pacific Economic Revue (PER) will publish a special issue consisting of papers presented at this year’s conference. The PER has a strong tradition of publishing experimental papers which garner wide visibility and citation. Charles Noussair and Jason Shachat will co-edit the special issue. All submissions for the special issue will be subject to peer review and the usual publication standards of the journal.


General inquiry about the conference should be directed to Jason Shachat ( For logistic affairs, please contact Ms. Youshu Xu (Daisy) (

The annual International Workshop on Experimental Economics and Finance is one component of the effort by WISE to establish a leading research center in Experimental Economics and Finance. In the fall of 2010, the Finance and Economics Experimental Lab (FEEL) at WISE commenced operations; This state of the art facility is part of the Ministry of Education Key Laboratory in Econometrics awarded to WISE in 2010. This is the first Ministry Key Lab established in the social sciences.

Xiamen is located in Southeast China and has convenient direct flights to many major cities in Asia. It is famous for its resort like atmosphere and has a reputation as the cleanest and most livable Chinese city. Interesting places near Xiamen include the UNESCO World Heritage Hakka Earth Buildings, Gulangyu (Piano Island) and Wuyi Mountain.

Established in 2005, the Wang Yanan Institute for Studies in Economics (WISE) is a recent effort of the Ministry of Education of China and Xiamen University to build a first class research institute and facilitate domestic and international research and academic exchanges. For more information about WISE, please see


Jason Shachat (WISE, Xiamen University)

Sen Geng (WISE, Xiamen University)

Brett Graham (WISE, Xiamen University)